Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday Weigh In

I weighed in and wasn't happy.  Still at 145 - as my sister-in-law would type in her blog, "What.the.Fuck?"  I'm not going to freak out or worse yet, falter.  My weight may remain unchanged week over week, but I've lot serious inches, and I'm not going to be upset about that.  My plan is simple - stay on course, and be cautious of what I eat.  If, however, next week also nets no results, I will begin a more strict plan for my food intake -- probably around 1800 a day.  As I wean the nursing, I know my calorie requirements will also drop.  BB is preferring the bottle more and more.  It makes me a little sad, but really, it's much less stressful and I love him all the same.

No more mommy guilt for me!!!

I felt great after my jog yesterday.  I went 30 minutes - started with a 2 minute warm up and then alternated jogging 2 minutes at 5.5 miles per hour followed by a brisk walk for 1 minute at 4.0 mph.  After 21 minutes, I jogged straight (dropping down to 5.0 for a few minutes) until I hit the 26 minute mark and felt incredibly empowered.  I will soon be going for 2 and then 3 miles straight!  What an amazing accomplishment at only three weeks postpartum.  

Today is a XTraining day, and I'm up to 35 minutes cross training now.  My mom is actually coming to help me out today, which is wonderful considering Hubby is out of town for the day in Manhattan for a demo.  My exercise plan is the Mat Pilates portion of my Denise Austin tape and 15 minutes power walking.  I will do this after mom leaves and hopefully before the kiddos get home. Eventually, I'll build up to doing some actual calorie busting cardio on these days, but I'm not in the business of burning out early.  My plan is a real lifestyle change.

Onto another note - my eldest daughter, Koko, 11, has been busy participating in intramurals over the past 2 1/2 weeks.  Every morning, she has gotten up early for track practice and Hubby has driven her in the early AM.  Yesterday was her track meet marking the end of intramurals (yay!).

I was so thrilled to have her get involved in athletics.  She hadn't shown much interest in the past, and to be honest, she lacks the ability and drive -- raw talent that just can't be taught.  My daughter is one of the sweetest, most beautiful young women I know, and I'm not speaking ill of her - it's just not her niche.  And, that's ok.  But, it brought back tough memories of my own - watching her come in almost last and then last for two races (200 meter dash and 100 meter dash).  Much like her, I wasn't a sprinter.  In fact, I didn't have much athletic ability until about 8th grade (and then chasing boys took priority).  But, I did have some skill and hand eye coordination... it was hard to watch her just like I'm sure it was hard for her to compete knowing she wouldn't and couldn't win.

She was brave for sticking with it and I'm proud of her.  Maybe one day, she'll find a love of running (not sprinting!) like her mom has...

But, I can't close out without commenting on the extraordinarily high percentage of FAT MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS I saw! It was ridiculous! They really are getting fatter and fatter -- and it's sickening to see so many pretty girls setting themselves up for bad health.  Our nation really is in an epidemic, and I hope I can instill good habits in my kids before it's too late for them.